

迷宫塔罗牌意解释下篇,【 TITI著】。

11.力量The strength

力量牌,自是表示英勇。This is the arcane of valour.

象征了克服障碍的精神。It symbolizes the eternal spirit of overcoming obstacles.

也可解为具有性感的女性魅力。强烈的性欲。Sensual feminine attraction. Potent sexuality.

也表示信念、能量、行动和能力。Conviction,energy, action and ability.

信心,英雄气概和力量。Confidence, heroicness, virility and physical strength.

还可以象征力量,征服和解决。Strength, conquest and resolution.

逆位:怯懦,卑鄙,害怕暴露弱点,缺乏坚定意志。The reverse is : cowardice , meanness, fear weakness, lack of willpower and firmness.

象征自我控制。Symbolizes self control.


12.倒吊人The hanged man

象征着放弃、拒绝以及牺牲精神。Symbolizes the spirit of renouncement and sacrifice.


表示冷漠,笨拙,过渡,无聊,放弃。Apathy, clumsiness, transition, boredom, abandon.抽到这张牌的人,也许最近遇到了困难,也许近期内会辞职。Brings difficulties with it. Resignation.


也表示内心痛苦。Inner suffering.

遵从内心的决定吧。这张牌也表示我们有难以估摸的巨大潜力。But it also speaks to us of spiritual decision and hidden power.

逆位:问题缠身,受到指责,不稳定,忧郁,缺乏牺牲精神。Reverse:problems, accusations, instability, melancholy. Lack of sacrifice.

记住,倒吊人等于牺牲。It is sacrifice.



图里面的骨头,代表的是将肉身除去后所臻至的另一个精神状态。The skeleton represents the removal of the flesh which takes us to another state.

死神卡牌表示的是原则底线的改变,以及事物的更新。It is a card which deals with the principle of modifying and renewing things.

抽到死神牌,也许说明你必须结束现今的一切,开始新的生活。The necessary end. A new life.

也表示意想不到的变化,失败、疾病、对于现状的无能为力。Unexpected change, failurem, illness, accident, tmpotence.

死神牌表示的当然是消极的一面:悲伤、痛苦、忧郁。Sadness, pain, grief.

逆位:转移、抑郁、悲观、对于死亡的恐惧。Its other side is:  transfer, pessimism, depression, fear of death.

死神牌可以概括为这2个关键字:转变或者转移。It is summarized as change or transformation.



节制,表示的是物质与精神之间的统一。it is the harmony between the spiritual and the material.

这张牌的意思是妥协、适度(ps:自我节制)之意。It tells us of compromise and moderation.

节制,也是一门调和极端的艺术。It is the art of conciliating opposite extremes.

表示融合、宁静、程度。Fusion. serenity. Just measure.

也有耐心、适应之意。Patience, adaptation.

也象征着自信、自满和和谐。也表示有好兆头。Confidence, harmony and complacence. Good omens.

逆位:不和谐、冲突、挫折、不耐烦。Its other side: discord and conflict, frustration, impatience.



15.恶魔The devil

这是一张具有双重意义的卡牌。A  card with a double meaning.

这张牌一方面表示了利己主义,以及沦为人性本能的奴隶。It tells us of human egoism and the slavery  of fatal instincts.

但是另一方面也表示生命的能量,如潮水般泛滥的性欲,幽默,征服物质世界。But it is also vital energy,overflowing sexuality, humour and materialilst conquests.

也代表着被本能所支配。It represents the spirit dominated by the instinct.

恶魔牌也代表着享乐主义,自我放纵,罪恶、贪婪、背叛和不清不楚的状态。Enjoyment and self-indulgence, and also covetousness, vice, treachery and unclear sltuations.

恶魔牌的涵义还包括了自我毁灭,暴力倾向和恶毒。Includes self-destruction, violence and malevolence.

逆位:休战、自由的失去。Reverse: truce and freedom from shackles.

总而言之,言而总之,恶魔牌表示:激情。In summary: passions.


16.高塔The tower

这张牌有“基本的”及“突然变化”之意。This is the arcane of radical and sudden change.


但是,所谓的“灾难”,或许仅仅只是构成高塔“墙身”和物质需求方面的崩塌,有点置之死地而后生的味道,也是为了在灾难中寻求一扇能够打开新价值新方向的希望之门。But it is also the downfall of physical and material demands in search of a different gateway with new values.

表示破裂,干扰,突发事件,降水。Rupture,disturbance, unexpected events, precipitation.

也表示所占者处于逆境、面临障碍、陷于烦恼之中。Adverity, obstacles, troubles.

还表示毁灭、稳定性的丧失(ps:高塔坍塌)、冲突和冲撞。Ruin, loss of stability, conflicts and collapse.

逆位:表示一成不变(也可理解为常规),处于压迫之中,被迫害,被监禁,进入了死胡同。Its other side is: routine and oppression, imbalbance, persecution, imprisonment, dead end.



17.星星The star

表示焕然一新和具有新的可能性。The arcane of renovation and new possibilities.

这是一张表示乐观和幸福的卡片。It is a card of optimism and happiness.

这张牌给我们的感觉就是,具有创造力,有艺术气息,以及充满灵感。The intuition that shows us the way.Creativity. aristic inspiration.

抽到这张牌,表示前程似锦,充满希望。Brilliant perspectives, hope.

星星牌,表示机会,快乐,好的情绪和取得成就。Opportunities, pleasures, emotions and achievements,

逆位表示:挫折、欺骗、失望、固执、情绪失控。Reverse:frustrations, deceptions, disillusionment, obstinacy. Emotional imbalbance.

这是一张充满希望的卡片。It is the card of hope.


18.月亮the moon

充满黑暗色彩的卡牌。the card of darkness.

这张卡牌代表不确定的,无意识的反应,不稳定性。It is uncertainty, unconscious reactions and instability.

这是与不稳定相关的卡牌,也代表了恐惧和胆怯。It is related to uncertainty, timidity and fear.

月亮牌也表示人们的一些虚幻与疯狂的感觉。月亮卡牌也有缺乏责任感的意象。Illusionary and lunatic feelings, lack of responsibility.

与黑暗相关,沉湎与类似于乌托邦的幻想,充满怀疑与不信任。Dark relations, utopian illusions, doubts ,mistrust.

代表着沉湎与幻想,沉湎与过去无法自拔(ps:也许也有怀旧情结之意),也有表示受孕。It alsotells us of fantasy and nostalgla, also of fertilization.

逆位:多变的感觉、沮丧、恐惧。Its other side: changed humour, depression, fears.

总结:月亮牌代表的是不稳定。In summary it is instability.


19.太阳the sun

这张卡牌代表的是光芒、天才。this cart tells us of light. genius, talent.

太阳是地球上能量和热量的来源,所以太阳卡牌也可以代表热情和能量。It is the sun with its source of heat and energy.

也代表了高兴,好事将要发生得兆头。Happiness,tavourable omens.

也象征了真诚、取得了成就、在社会上得到成功、愉悦的性爱。Sincerity, achievements, social success, pleasurable sexuality.

也代表了活力、幸福、物质财富。Vitality, happiness, material fortune.

逆位表示:自私、过分骄傲、害怕出头、遇到阻碍等。Its other side: selfishness, excessive pride, fear of standing out , obstacles.

总之,太阳牌代表了活力相关的事物。In summary light and vitality.



审判,具有法律的强制性,其效力可以迫使人们反省自己所犯的错误。Superior forces oblige man to reflect on himself.

审判牌,可以代表自由和生命。It is a call of freedom and life.

抽到该牌,可能表示抽牌人最近将获悉一些他被其他人所隐瞒的事情的真相,而知道真相对他而言,既有可能是好事,也有可能是坏事。The moment of truth , both good and bad.

抽到这张牌也可能表示被占者近期处于需要对某些事作出决定的时期。审判牌也表示被占者近期状态会变得更好,可以给自己一些适当的奖励来犒劳自己这一段时间里所作出的努力。It reflects a moment of decisions. Change for the better, reward for past efforts.

这张牌也有“解放”的意思,也有“摆脱不好的精神状态”之意,还有复兴的意思。It is also liberation, the resurgence of the spirit, renewal.

也可以象征着对未知世界的觉醒。Awakening to a mystical world.

逆位表示:缺乏理解力(ps:审判需要洞察力和理解力吧)、不满、拖延。Its other side: incapacity to understand, displeasure, putting things off.

审判牌,代表了觉醒清楚。It represents awaking and clarity.


21.世界The world

这张牌表示的是生命的统一。Tells us of unification with life forces.


象征着完美、圆满、粘附以及成功。Perfection, fulfillment, abhesion and success.

也表示事情发展的结果达到了你想要的预期。也表示不可变更。The final result being having reached the goal, definitive change.

表示可能具有一定的权力。表示由于努力而得到奖励。The control of earhtly plains. The prize awarded for effort.

对于某些人而言,抽到了世界牌,也许比起抽到其他牌来说更有利。世界牌也表示人类社会里的神职教会。For some,it is the most beneficial arcane of the whole tarot , A union of the divine with the human.

逆位:失败、缺乏远见、缺陷、障碍。Reverse:failure, lack of vision, imperfection,obstacles.

一言以蔽之,世界牌象征了实现完成能力。In summary it is fulfillment and capacity.


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